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Answer: It feels very good! The swing is perfect! The reason why it's hard to get your foot out is that if your left knee bends more as soon as it hits the ground, giving it a spring, your right foot will come out more forward. The swing of my right leg from the knee down is also a little small. I'll send you a video soon! Also, instead of pointing the toes of your left foot forward, if you open it to the side, your right hip will also come forward, so your right foot will come forward even more.

Reply: Thank you❗That's true. Looking at it from the point of view you pointed out, I have a pretty good idea of ​​it. I'll start working on it right away. It looks like it's going to change a lot. Thank you❗

Later: Thank you for the video. I didn't think about the shoulder going forward. I tried it now and it has changed a lot. I don't have practice today, so I'm looking forward to trying it out tomorrow. My problem has been resolved. thank you very much.

The president sent a video reply with the correct answer. Reply to comment: Thank you❗It's much easier to understand if you can do it in a video. We'll all practice together tomorrow.
